Achieve Atlanta’s Impact on College Students: A Mixed Methods Approach
Achieve Atlanta’s Impact on College Students: A Mixed Methods Approach
Child & Family Policy Lab Achieve Atlanta’s Impact on College Students: A Mixed Methods Approach Does a placed-based college scholarship [...]Equitable Use of Subsidized Child Care in Georgia
Equitable Use of Subsidized Child Care in Georgia
Child & Family Policy Lab Equitable Use of Subsidized Child Care in Georgia How do program and childcare outcomes vary [...]Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Breaks Annual Research Funding Record
Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Breaks Annual Research Funding Record
Research funding in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies grew by 40.3 percent year-over-year, setting a new record of $53.2 million in total awards for fiscal year 2023.
Expansions of Georgia’s Childcare and Parent Services Program
Expansions of Georgia’s Childcare and Parent Services Program
Child & Family Policy Lab Expansions of Georgia's Childcare and Parent Services Program How did the numbers and characteristics of [...]Ascendium Funds Georgia Policy Labs for Initiative to Increase Rural Learner Success
Ascendium Funds Georgia Policy Labs for Initiative to Increase Rural Learner Success
Principal investigator David C. Ribar and his team will use Ascendium’s three-year grant of up to $500,000 to study the Technical College System of Georgia’s eCampus initiative for rural learners.
Entrepreneurship and Merit-Based Scholarships
Entrepreneurship and Merit-Based Scholarships
ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MERIT-BASED SCHOLARSHIPS Child & Family Policy Lab LEARN MORE Policy Context Entrepreneurship and business formation are important [...]Postsecondary Outcomes of Georgia’s Adult Education Students
Postsecondary Outcomes of Georgia’s Adult Education Students
Child & Family Policy Lab and Adult Literacy Research Center Postsecondary Outcomes of Georgia's Adult Education Students How many adult [...]Assessing Achieve Atlanta’s Place-Based College Scholarship
Assessing Achieve Atlanta’s Place-Based College Scholarship
Child & Family Policy Lab Assessing Achieve Atlanta’s Place-Based College Scholarship How does Achieve Atlanta's place-based scholarship and services impact [...]Achieve Atlanta Scholarship and Services Significantly Increase College Persistence and Completion
Achieve Atlanta Scholarship and Services Significantly Increase College Persistence and Completion
New research by Georgia State University’s Georgia Policy Labs finds Achieve Atlanta’s scholarship and support services lead to substantial increases in college persistence and completion rates for students.